How Affirmations Can Change You and Improve Your Life This Christmas

A Christmas Story Happy Christmas Holiday Affirmations - A Christmas Story Family

You have to watch the movie called A Christmas Story, it’s one of the most amazing movies that I have ever seen in my life, The director and writer use all of their wits to tell the story about Ralphie, who wants only one thing for Christmas and finally gets it, but not in the way he expected. In fact, he has to go through some really tough times before he could get what he really wants. And that’s where affirmations become very useful, they can help you achieve your goals so easily if you know how to use them right.

What are affirmations?
Positive Self-Affirmations are phrases that you tell yourself to try to change your mindset. It's a great way to keep a positive attitude, find strength, and improve the quality of your life.

If you're feeling down or stressed during this holiday season, use these affirmations to help you through it.

How do affirmations work?
The key to having affirmations work for you is to do them consistently, so your brain will take it in without too much fight from your ego or 'Me' Monster. Think about how often you meditate. So keeping that in mind you can make a nice little reminder on a schedule, I tend to do mine when I do my morning exercise because that's just something that fits with my life.

I also like to do affirmations while walking or just wandering around, because then I can be more creative with my voice so I don't feel self-conscious. Walking in nature is also really nice because it's quiet, which allows you to be alone with your thoughts.

What are some examples of affirmations?
Here are some examples of affirmations: I am successful. I am confident. I am powerful. I am strong.

How can affirmations improve my life this Christmas?
Affirmations are a powerful tool to use in order to improve one's life. Using affirmations, one can reframe their thoughts, feelings, and actions for the better. A Christmas Story Family offers affirmations that can be used this Christmas season as a way to improve one's life. One affirmation is I am a part of the greatest story ever told.

The perfect time for this affirmation is when you feel small or insignificant. Use it to remind yourself that you are here for a reason!

Throughout the holiday season, we here at A Christmas Story Family are going to send out emails daily with affirmations and tips on positive mindset thinking.

Bringing in the things you love to your life, will bring joy, positivity, and love to your whole self! Speaking of things that you love, don’t forget that we now have a “wishlist” option in our gift shop. Simply create an account and add every item that you want to your wishlist. That way this Black Friday you won’t miss out on our biggest discounts of the year!

Also, you can watch the new A Christmas Story movie sequel, A Christmas Story Christmas! The movie premies on HBO Max on November 17th, 2022.


  • Janeen Duckett Hall

    Thank you for the positive thoughts – to say The ‘A Christmas Story Family’brings me joy is an understatement.

  • Julia Webb

    I realy wish i could get tickets to showibg

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